Ladies Ministries

Maine District Ladies President
Jackie Little | (207) 754-9192
Mailing Address | 204 Montello Street | Lewiston Maine 04240
Email | [email protected]

Maine District Ladies Secretary
Amy Stoops | (207) 952-8680
Mailing Address | 634 Civic Center Drive | Augusta (04330)
Email address | [email protected]

Sectional Committee Leaders
Section One | Francisca Kear
Section Two | Shawna Rafferty
Section Three | Elisha Bannister
Section Four |Heidi Sage
Section Five | Tammy Churchill
Women of Worth | Rev. Clara Cote

Mother’s Memorial Offering

Kickoff April 14

Mother’s Day and offering date May 12

Offering Due to Maine Ladies June 30, 2024

Campground Cleaning

June 8-22

Ladies Sectional Rallies

September 19-21

Esther Conference

November 15-16